1) Water softeners
a wide range of sizes fix all your water needs hard water, manganese, iron, tannins.
Are just some of the things a water softener can remove.
2)Carbon filters.
Carbon filters are used to fix many different problems. such as sulphur chlorine petroleum products and improved taste and older.
3)Chemical free iron filters.
also known as salt free systems. These units can be used to remove low levels dissolved iron, manganese, also remove high levels of sulfur in oxidise iron.
4)Sediment filters.
Can be used in a wide range of situations. Most common use is to remove large amounts of settlement in water that are usually too high for a particle filter requiring it to be changed often.
A backwashing unit removes the need to change filters.
5)Ultraviolet lights.
The most cost-effective way to remove bacteria from water.
One of the most important things when purchasing an UV system is to size it properly.
These units range from point of use to hi Flo commercial units. Using a highly trained professional is always the best way to go to Get the right unit for your needs.
6)Reverse osmosis systems.
This is a great way to help the environment. Getting bottled quality water from your own Tap. Illuminating the need for plastic bottles in your house.
Be students are very affordable an easy to install usually taking less than an hour.
Call today to find out more.
7)Inline cartridge filters.
These units’ range in size to address specific problems. Call one of are professionals today. To get the filter best suited for your needs.
8)Arsenic filters.
We have units that will remove arsenic 3 and 5 Custom built specifically for your needs from low flow to high flow units.
These are just some of the systems we offer.